GRACES JAPAN グレーシス ジャパン


女性×インバウンド事業 GRACES JAPAN グレーシス ジャパン



Thank you very much for your reservation!
Under a new minpaku law (private short-term lodgings), we are required to collect guests information and photo-copy of their passport upon checking in at lodgings.

We would appreciate if you could fill out this form and attach the photo-copy of the passports of all members.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation!



* : Required (必須入力)

  • First name * 氏名(名)

  • Family name * 氏名(性)

  • Photo-copy of passport * ※Please attach photo-copy of passports.
    (It should include your photo and passport number)
  • First name * 氏名(名)
    Family name * 氏名(性)
    Address * 住所
    Occupation * 職業
    Photo-copy of passport *
    First name * 氏名(名)
    Family name * 氏名(性)
    Address * 住所
    Occupation * 職業
    Photo-copy of passport *
  • First name * 氏名(名)
    Family name * 氏名(性)
    Address * 住所
    Occupation * 職業
    Photo-copy of passport *
    First name * 氏名(名)
    Family name * 氏名(性)
    Address * 住所
    Occupation * 職業
    Photo-copy of passport *
    First name * 氏名(名)
    Family name * 氏名(性)
    Address * 住所
    Occupation * 職業
    Photo-copy of passport *